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Selectmen Minutes 01/09/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 9, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Mike Paveglio; Fire Chief, David Kenneally; Road Agent, Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief; John Martell; Emergency Management Director, Paul Sanborn; Forest Fire Warden

BI - Mr. Paveglio discussed with the Board, the timeline for building permits issued on the Ferman property.  The first permit was issued in 2002, expired, and a new permit was given in 2005. Again last year the project was not started and the permit expired.  The next available permits to be issued for dwelling units will be in 2009.  The Building Inspector has, and continues to; follow the issuance procedures established per the zoning ordinances.  The town is treating everyone the same.

EMD – Mr. Martell has nothing to report this evening.

FD – The Chief reported some major repairs need to be done on Engine 3 and Engine 2.  The costs for the repairs will deplete the entire maintenance line as proposed for next year.  The Chief will work on revising this budget line.  

The FCC licensing has expired.  Mike has updated the fire department and advised the Road Agent to do the same for the highway department.

Chairman MacCleery discussed a phone call he had received from Maxfield’s Hardware regarding the fire department’s request for invoices dating back to March 2006. The Fire Chief replied he has already responded to this phone call.   

PD - Chief Clarke reported the 2004 cruiser is back in service.  There was a small mishap to the 2006 cruiser during the last ice storm.  Resident Dennis Call completed the touch up work at no cost to the town.  

Officer Seluk has begun the police academy for full-time certification.

The sobriety checkpoint went well.  The department also had the speed trailer up and running during the checkpoint.  
Chief Clarke’s employment contract has a cycle date of May.  Pat recommended the contract be revised to reflect the same effective date of April 1st for annual pay rate changes for town employees.  The Board was in agreement.  The Chief will work on revising the contract.  

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BOS minutes
January 9, 2007

HYW – The Road Agent and the Administrative Assistant have researched old road layouts and were unable to find any that referenced ownership of Pleasant Street.  Mr. Kenneally recommends the town request an easement be drawn up with Millican Nurseries at the expense of the property owner, for placement and maintenance of the irrigation system proposed to run under the roadway.  The Board concurred and directed Lisa to write a letter to the property owner with this request.    

The Road Advisory Committee’s final report has been submitted to the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee.  The Road Advisory Committee is holding an informational hearing on January 31, 2007 to discuss the report in detail.

The dirt roads are a mess and will continue to be so until the cold weather is here to stay.

Chairman MacCleery inquired why the Road Agent was using the backhoe to grade Hilliard road.  The Road Agent responded that the road was too frozen to use the grader.  The backhoe was used to skim the road.  

Chairman MacCleery asked why the highway department was out on Sunday last too.  The Road Agent replied the department was spot sanding and cleaning up embankments to insure there were no problems when the buses rolled the following morning.

The highway department has received the old fire department radios.

Forest Fire Warden

Mr. Sanborn reported the military vehicle purchased from surplus is currently in Auburn being painted.  The department will need further monies to complete outfitting the vehicle.  The money will need to be withdrawn from the Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve.  The Board of Selectmen instructed Mr. Sanborn to write the warrant article and submit it to the Board.

The forestry department has received a 50/50 matching grant in the amount of $2500.00 from Rural Community Fire Protection to purchase a skid unit for the off road mule vehicle.  Warden Sanborn requested the Forest Fire budget be increased by $250.00 to cover this expense.  After some discussion, the Board of Selectmen requested this one time expense be placed as a warrant article.  

Mr. Sanborn inquired as to follow-up on the letter he submitted to the Board at their request regarding the Federal Surplus purchase.  Chairman MacCleery thanked Mr. Sanborn for submitting the letter and replied the Board has not had the opportunity to discuss it at this time.  

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BOS minutes
January 9, 2007

SUBJECT: Budget Committee
PRESENT: Bruce Dyke, Lucille Noel, Jason Weir and John Martell  

Highway Discussion - The Budget Committee discussed questions with the Road Agent regarding cost items such as gravel and trucking, for the proposed Center Road project. The pros and cons of completing the project over a three year span versus a two year span were discussed.

Fire Department Discussion - The Fire Chief explained the premise for the Administrative Assistant proposal for the fire department to the budget committee. This position would be responsible for general administrative duties and would need some fire department knowledge to assist with other duties, but a plus for the town would be if this employee was also a trained fire fighter or emergency responder. Mike clarified for the group that this position is not being created to create a job for a specific individual. A job description has not been finalized at this time.  A proposal may be submitted up until public hearing.  Mike will work on a solid proposal.

The budget committee inquired if these tasks could be handled by the volunteers in the department.  The Chief responded, “No, the volunteers are maxed out.”

Mike discussed an additional warrant article to be written for a 50/50 matching grant for the forestry mule vehicle to affix a skid unit used to house a stretcher.   

Also, the fire department will be requesting the withdrawal of $18,000 from the Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve.  The fire warden will be submitting a warrant article.    

Historical Society Discussion – On behalf of the Historical Society, Lucille Noel presented two additional bids for the proposed paving at the Community Building.  One of the bids described two different types of repair, one to add additional material where needed and shim and seal, the other to excavate the existing parking area and replace the entire base with additional gravel and then hot top the parking area.  The costs of the bids vary from the original of $2290.00 to $8400.00.  The Board of Selectmen is in favor of a warrant article to withdraw up to $8400.00 from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund should that be the option decided.  The Selectmen and the Budget Committee requested the Historical Society go back to the original bidder and perhaps one other company to request a bid based on these new specifications prior to a formal decision being made. Chairman MacCleery will speak to the Road Agent for his recommendations on the project.

Upon returning to the Center Road Project, a discussion was held regarding whether or not there is a need for professional over site on a project of this magnitude.  Selectman

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BOS minutes
January 9, 2007

DeBold will contact Brown Engineering, the firm that developed the engineering study, and discuss cost.

The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee voted in favor of the project as a two year plan.

The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee voted in favor of the proposed funding as written by the Road Agent, utilizing $75,000 from the Town Roads Capital Reserve Fund and the remaining $151,000 to be raised by taxation, for the first year costs.

Lisa informed the body that two contractors have assessed the roof repair and there appears to be no structural damage.  The cost of the repair can be reduced to $15,000.

The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee voted in favor of recommending the Grange Roof Repair & Painting Exterior Trim; the 50/50 matching grant from Rural Community Fire Protection for the skid unit; and withdrawing up to $16,800.00 from the Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund, to complete outfitting the newly acquired urban forestry vehicle purchased using Impact Fee money.  

Briefly discussed was the scheduling of the Public Hearing for the School Budget on the same evening as the Town Budget.  The Selectmen and the Budget Committee understood the school’s reasoning of convenience for the townspeople but found logistically it would be difficult to be at two hearings at the same time and also unacceptable to expect the townspeople to discuss a budget of that size in only thirty minutes. The Selectmen have traditionally held the Public Hearing on the first Tuesday in February and had scheduled it as such last September when the budget schedule was drawn up.  The Board and the Budget Committee agreed the hearings should be held on two separate evenings to allow the townspeople sufficient time to address their questions and concerns.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a letter to the School Board members requesting the School Budget Hearing be rescheduled.  
The group discussed the letter published in the newspaper last year by the Budget Committee and agreed it was a helpful in notifying the voters about the budget and the importance of attending public hearing.  Mr. Dyke will write a notice for distribution in the Suncook Sun.  

The group agreed to post the budget spreadsheet on the website as another tool to inform the public about the budget and the public hearing process.  

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January 9, 2007


Bruce Dyke briefly discussed the progress on the Town Organization Committee and asked the Selectmen when the committee could meet with the Board to submit the report being comprised by the committee.  A date of February 22, 2007 was scheduled.  

Mr. Dyke informed the Selectmen that the Organization Committee is still waiting for the Fire Department statistics from our own town before they can finalize the committees report.  Mr. Dyke asked for some assistance from the Selectmen to speak with the Fire Chief to make it a priority to complete the spreadsheet.  A committee member is willing
to meet with the Chief and work on the spreadsheet together.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a letter to the Fire Chief requesting his immediate attention to this request.

Chairman MacCleery updated the other Board members regarding the Superior Court Hearing on the Mullaney Case and mentioned his discussion with town counsel regarding the proposed zoning changes currently being reviewed by the Planning Board.  All proposed changes should be reviewed by counsel prior to being placed on the ballot.  This procedure has been practiced by the town in prior years and this year will be no different.

The Selectmen reviewed correspondence from the Town Treasurer requesting to move the remaining accounts in TD Banknorth to Citizens Bank with the rest of the town’s accounts. In some cases fees are being charged for services and at Citizens Bank they are not.  The Board agreed to approve the treasurer’s request to switch the funds to Citizens Bank.  Lisa was directed to notify the treasurer.  

The Board discussed the request from the Town Treasurer to change the term of office for the Town Treasurer from one year to three years as provided by statute.  The Board agreed to place this question on the official ballot. Lisa will submit the request to the Town Clerk.  

Chairman MacCleery agreed to review the town map annexation update from the US Census Bureau.

Establishment of the 2007 goals was tabled.

The Administrative Assistant informed the Board that Mr. Mark Drew has obtained a building permit and paid his impact fee.  This resolves the zoning violation issue.

Selectman DeBold has not received any new information on the subject of residency at
Hillcrest Campground.  

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BOS minutes
January 9, 2007

Review of the revised Farm Lease was tabled due to the lateness of the hour and the response from Forest Fire Warden, Paul Sanborn regarding the Federal Surplus purchase was tabled for further discussion.

The Board of Adjustment has not received a written resignation from a member who has not been attending the meetings.  Nor has that member responded to correspondence from the Board of Adjustment Chairman, inquiring as to this member’s intentions to remain
serving on the Board of Adjustment. The Board directed Lisa to research the procedure for removing a member from a land use board and to track the attendance of this individual at last year’s Board of Adjustment meetings.  

The Selectmen are waiting for a recommendation from the Conservation Commission regarding the commission’s vacancy.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

Correspondence and e-mails were reviewed.

The minutes of January 2, 2007, were approved as corrected; page two insert the lines Subject: Fire Department resignations and Present: John & Betsy Uitts, following the Conservation Commission discussion.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 12:03am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert                                           APPROVED AS CORRECTED
Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester